May 5Liked by Thomas Graves

“New Lies For Old” should be required reading for all American high school students. As should “Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies” by M. Stanton Evans.

But, America has been “dumbed down” for decades, courtesy the Communist infiltration and their influences here.

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Yes, but Communism isn't the bugbear now. Putin-and-Trump-led Fascism is the real threat we face, and Putin is using the tricks he learned while serving as a FCD counterintelligence Lt Col in Dresden to advance his agenda, and he's using Trump to tear us apart.

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Putin-and-Xi-led Communism is the real threat. “One Clenched Fist”

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Is Putin a Communist, or is Communism fascistic?

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In his own words….

“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security," Putin said, referring to the KGB.

"I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity," he said. "I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still."

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But only in the sense that the leaders do quite well in comparison to the workers.

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Communists took over the Democrat Party here since the early 80’s (when Jesse Jackson ran for Prez) and today, 2024, they work to infiltrate the political Right (Republican Party) via the likes of media darling Tucker Carlson, Douglas Macgregor, and politicians like a Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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The KGB* works both ends of the political spectrum.

*Today's SVR and FSB

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Are you a Trump supporter?

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It seems to me that you are goading me along with all these short single sentence questions…I’m wondering why is that? What is your motivation with no reply back yourself, only with more questions? I’ll participate one last time.

I answered already the 1/6 event was not a riot, not an insurrection. It was an FBI entrapment type operation in coordination with the DOJ.

And again, answered….DC is corrupt. These 2 government ABC agencies are just 2 of many filled today with bureaucrats and employees who have totally different views, opinions, aspirations of how and why this country was founded and what it should be today. The communist movement has been successful in infiltrating and slowly destroying (from within) our own system of government.

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Private property IS one of the foundations this country was founded upon. Trump is out of touch with the electorate same as all politicians. He’s out of touch with ordinary folks and the lives, experiences and hardships we live every day. Corrupt, as a businessman and as a political figure.

1/6 was a setup, not a riot. DC is corrupt, both sides of the political aisle, period. Ordinary folks should have realized what could happen that day and simply stayed away.

I consider myself a Constitutionalist.

I used to think of myself as a Libertarian but I came to understand that the Libertarian Party has been influenced/convinced/taken in by Marxists into most of their ideological, political positions today that are totally against our Founder’s vision, hopes, and direction for a new nation of freedom and liberty.

The Libertarian Party is against good, wholesome moral character, against traditional marriage, radically Anti-God, hate religion in general, and all about open borders for anyone and everyone, even those who would do harm to citizens and their own families and their personal private property. Very little difference in today’s Democrat Party (run by a Communist majority) and the Libertarian Party. As I said earlier, the Communists are now infiltrating the Republican Party with help from “conservative darling” media types like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Clayton Morris.

We are screwed as a country. Our “leaders” are compromised and do not act in our best interest. Biden has been a tool for the Russians and Chinese for decades. Trump has praised Putin, has voiced support for Russia when Putin invaded Ukraine. It’s a no-win for America. Bad days are ahead for our country. Our enemies are here already and most Americans have no idea.

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May 6·edited May 6Author

Who set up January 6?

Was it an attempted insurrection?

Yes, or no?

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Not a fan of “the Don”. I haven’t ever, nor will I ever support a man who once used his money and influence against private property rights in an attempt to bully a lil ol’ lady to do his bidding (Vera Coking).

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May 6·edited May 6Author

Is that your main gripe against him?

What's your "take" on 1/6?

Just a riot?

Are you a Libertarian?

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